At Bowling Park, our aim is to help children be safe, confident and knowledgeable about the internet. We want children to enjoy using technology and to be able to use it to support their learning, in a safe and appropriate way both in school and at home.
How we do it
Children have access to notebooks, iPads, an interactive white board and other technology in their classrooms. These items support children’s learning. Our dedicated ICT Team ensure that the technology is up-to-date, purposeful, safe and enjoyable.
To keep our children and staff safe while using these technologies, we work hard to make sure our systems are secure and that children are supported to understand any risks. We hold regular e-safety assemblies, where we explore topics such as cyber bullying and staying safe online. Our local PCSO also works closely with children regarding online safety matters.
Our website includes a ‘report an e-safety concern’ button which allows anyone to report something they don't feel comfortable with. These forms are sent directly to the Head of School. Our computer systems have appropriate and strict filters which protect children from potentially harmful content. In addition, our monitoring system tracks all the technology in school to make sure children and staff are using the internet appropriately. All the monitoring information is checked by a member of the Leadership Team.
Remote learning is treated with the same care and attention. Teachers use verified sources of information and only share safe, appropriate links with children. Information is kept secure and YouTube videos are made with appropriate safeguarding policies in place.
Issues are very rare, but if they do occur, we deal with them swiftly and appropriately.
More information can be found in our e-safety policy which can be accessed on our policies page here.
What we achieve
Children feel confident using the internet in school and at home. They know how to stay safe online and who to talk to if they see something upsetting. Staff understand the importance of safe and appropriate use of technology and model this with children throughout school.
Want more information?
If you are concerned about your child on the internet or would like more information, please come and talk to us.
There are also lots of helpful websites with more information too: