Year 3
Summer 1 Home Learning
Welcome to our Year Three Summer 1 newsletter.
Our topic for this term is all about Ancient Greece!
As historians, we will be learning about:
• Who were the Ancient Greeks?
• What was life like for the Ancient Greeks?
• How the ancient Greeks have influenced our lives today.
In English, we will be basing our work for the first part of the half term on our growing knowledge of the Ancient Greeks. We will write a report containing lots of facts and using subheadings to share our knowledge with our families.
We will also be writing a retell of the magnificent Greek myth, Theseus and the minotaur! We will do lots of drama and oracy work to help us be creative with our ideas.
In maths, we will be looking at time and measure.
You can practice these two topics here:
Let’s get Creative!
In art, we will be designing and making our own Greek pottery! We will be looking at ancient Greek pottery that has been found by archaeologists. This will inspire our creations.
Family Challenge
Ancient Greek families loved to tell stories about warriors, gods and goddesses to each other and you can too! Read or listen to some Greek mythology. Find all the classic Greek myths in the link below:
You should already have your Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars logins, but please let us know if you are having any problems accessing this at home. Please also make sure you are trying your best to read at home: even if it’s just two pages each night.
Home Learning Expectations
Please take some time to look at the following table to see what your child should be doing at home to extend their learning:
Reading their book band book - X3 a week
TT Rockstars Soundcheck - Daily for 5 minutes
Spelling Shed - Daily for 5 minutes
As always, if you have any questions then please speak to your child’s class teacher.
The Year 3 team