Year 6
Summer 1 Home Learning
Hello, Year 6 families!
We are so proud of the progress the Year 6 children are making. It is not long now until they will get an opportunity to show their progress in their SATs tests in May (13th-16th). They are working incredibly hard in school and we were really proud of their effort during Mock SATs week. Below are some links so they can continue their learning at home to prepare them for their SATs tests in reading, maths and SPaG:
It is a brilliant resource (as we all know) and we really encourage you to complete some revision tests on there. It will help us to identify the areas of improvement for each of you. Remember, there is also a revision section (for every maths, SPaG and reading skill) on here with videos and practice questions. We will be giving lots of golden tickets out for children who have completed activities on there.
Why not spend 5 minutes a day practising your times tables?
If you are confident with your times tables, you could set yourself a speed challenge. How fast can you do them? Can you improve on your speed?
Practise spellings and any SPaG activities that have been set for you.
Practise maths in a fun way! There are lots of brilliant games on there which are both fun and Educational.
Maths Frame username: bowlingpark
Maths Frame password: maths123
As well as revising for our SATs in school, we are still exploring other areas of the curriculum:
In DT, out topic is titled, ‘Come Dine with Me!’ Within this unit, the children will be researching suitable recipes, recording utensils and ingredients needed, writing and following a recipe (with only 3 ingredients) and then scoring each other’s meals – just like the real Come Dine with Me! We will also be exploring where certain food comes from before it enters the supermarket. It certainly sounds like a lot of fun to me! Hope you’re hungry and hopefully the children can share their talents with you at home!
In art, our unit is focused on sculpture and 3D, titled Making Memories. Within this unit, the children with be creating sculptures to express themselves, suggesting ways to represent memories through art using a variety of materials and techniques and developing skills in planning, creating and evaluating 3D sculptures. At the end of the unit, they will have produce their own expressive 3D sculpture that they will be able to share with families.
The Year 6 teachers are excited to see the progress that the children will continue to make. Please continue to ensure that your child is eating well and is well rested for the day. Any questions, please speak to a member of the Year 6 team.
Thank you.