
EYFS Guide for Parents

EYFS Parents Guide.pdf

EYFS Policy

For more information about Early Years at Bowling Park, please read our policy EYFS Policy 

Summer 1 Home Learning

Dear parents/carers,

Welcome to our Reception Summer 1 letter where we will share with you the learning we are doing in class. 

Core Stories

This half term we are looking at ‘Tadpoles Promise’ as our core story. We are learning about:

The life cycle of a tadpole and a caterpillar
The characters and the setting of the story
The changes in the environment and the animals that are born in Spring 

We are also going to look at the stories ‘Come Over to My House’ by Dr Seuss, ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers and ‘Luna Loves Library Day’ by Joseph Coelho. 


In phonics we are continuing with the Little Wandle scheme. Please continue to practice the Phase 3 sounds at home.

Practice reading and writing words with these sounds.

Challenge: can you write a sentence? 


In maths we are:

Beginning to build numbers beyond 10
Continuing patterns beyond 10
Doubles to 10
Addition and Subtraction with numbers to 10
Sharing different amounts to 10
Number bonds to 10

Number Bonds to 10 Song 

Top Marks - Ladybird Spots Game


Can you make a butterfly?

Can you draw a life cycle of a frog, caterpillar or egg?  

Can you create the setting of Tadpoles promise? 

Can you make a Spring picture? 

To support your child at home, please read with them and write in their reading record. Practice writing their phonics sounds, reading words and writing sentences at home. 

Reminder: Please send your child to school in their PE kits on Thursdays. Yhey should wear a plain white t-shirt, black leggings or joggers and trainers. 

The Reception Team 

If you need any help, please contact