Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium funding is given to school to help support children who receive the Free School Meal benefit (or have done in the past 6 years) or are Looked After Children.
You can find out more information about Free School Meals on the Bradford Council website: Apply for Free School Meals Online
How we do it
We use Pupil Premium funding to tackle the academic gap between Pupil Premium and non-Pupil Premium children, as well as to support the social and emotional development of Pupil Premium children.
We run tailored interventions to support Pupil Premium children with a variety of additional needs, for instance SEND children and New to English. This also includes catch up sessions, for example Pixl in Year 6. Further and more in depth support is provided by a specialist Speech and Language Therapist and Education Physiologist, who work with specific children in school.
Our funding helps to provide training and support for staff in school. The leadership team, including the SENDCo and Lead Practitioners, help to guide staff so that they can support Pupil Premium children fully.
At Bowling Park, we place a big emphasis on the importance of experiences and enrichment. This is true of all our children, including Pupil Premium children. We ensure that our curriculum is diverse and exciting so that children can learn and develop in an engaging environment.
What we achieve
Our Pupil Premium children feel supported and safe in school. Opportunities, experiences and exciting activities are plentiful meaning that Pupil Premium children's experience of school is the same as all other children.
Pupil Premium children at Bowling Park make good progress and achieve well. In many cases, Pupil Premium children's progress exceeds that of non-Pupil Premium children. This bucks the national trend, which shows that Pupil Premium children often make slower progress than non-Pupil Premium children across the country.
This means that we are diminishing the gap between Pupil Premium and non Pupil Premium children.