Safeguarding and Well-Being

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility…..ACT. 

 At Bowling Park, we pride ourselves on having a highly effective culture of safeguarding.

Pupils are safe and they feel safe. The curriculum and school’s wider work support pupils to be confident, resilient and independent. The school provides a wide range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch pupils’ talents and interests. Pupils’ attitudes to their education are positive: they are committed to their learning, know how to study effectively, are resilient to setbacks and take pride in their achievements.

Well-being and Mental Health is a priority for us. We all have mental health. Your mental health affects how you feel, think and act. It refers to your emotional, psychological and social well-being. Your mental health can change on a daily basis and over time, and can be affected by a range of factors.

Click on the individual tabs for more information on each area: