Term Dates


Please find our term dates below. If you are considering booking a holiday with your family, you must refer to these dates first and ensure your holiday does not fall during term time. We would like to remind all families of the following:

Please note:

A parent is guilty of an offence if their child of compulsory school age, who is a registered pupil at a school, fails to attend regularly – Section 444(1) Education Act 1996.

If the child is absent without authorisation and the parent knew about the child's absence and failed to act then the parent is guilty of an offence. Sanctions can include a fine of up to £2,500 and a prison sentence of up to 3 months. – Section 444(1A) Education Act 1996.

Holiday Dates 2023-24

Holiday dates 2023-24.pdf

Holiday Dates 2024-25