EYFS Guide for Parents
EYFS Policy
For more information about Early Years at Bowling Park, please see our policy here EYFS Policy
Summer 1 Home Learning
Dear parents/carers,
Welcome to our Nursery Newsletter for the Summer 1. We are going to be reading these stories together over the next few weeks:
We will read the Very Hungry Caterpillar and will learn about how we grow and change as we get bigger. We will also talk about eating lots of healthy fruits and which foods are not so healthy for our bodies.
We will read the story of the Gruffalo and learn about what animals live in a woodland setting and find out how the little mouse is very brave when meeting the other animals. Bravery is one of our character strengths we are learning about in our ‘My Happy Mind’ lessons.
To support our learning you could do these activities with your family.:
● visit a park or woodland and see what animals you can find living there.
● paint or draw a butterfly picture.
● go to the shops and buy some fruits to eat. Maybe try something new that you haven’t tasted before.
We are continuing to teach phonics and learning to blend sounds to make simple words. Children will develop their skills in using sound talk to orally blend the sounds they hear to make words.
As mathematicians, we will learn words to describe where something is (on, in, under, next to, etc). We will move onto looking at groups of objects to say which has more and which has fewer and we will have a look at 2D and 3D shapes.
At home, you could:
● Go on a shape hunt and look for things that are square, round or triangles. You could also look for 3D shapes like sphere, cube and cylinder.
● Play with a toy and a small box. As your child to put the toy in different positions such as on the box, in the box, behind the box.
Our Nursery Rhymes this half term are:
● 5 little men in a flying saucer
● Humpty Dumpty sat on a Wall
● One elephant went out to play
● Ring -a- Roses
● London Bridge is falling down.
Nursery holds stay and play sessions every Tuesday when you drop your child off at school. We would like to invite you to join your child for half an hour at the beginning of their nursery session. This provides the opportunity for your child to share with you their favourite things to do while they are in nursery.
We will continue to play outside in all weathers, so please make sure your child has a waterproof coat every day. You could also send a sunhat if needed. It is helpful if you can bring a bag with spare clothes as children can get wet from playing in the water, washing their hands or having a toilet accident.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Nursery team