Year 5

Summer 1 Home Learning

Welcome to the Summer 1 Term Year Five newsletter. 

Hello parents!

This half term we are learning all about the Vikings. This will link really well with the topic we have just finished: Anglo Saxons.  

We are starting the half term with some wonderful enrichment opportunities to help us learn more about the Vikings. Children taking part in the Northumberland residential will visit Lindisfarne and Bamburgh Castle to find out more about who the Vikings were, and how they came to Britain. The rest of the children will be using the outdoor space at New Cross Street to engage in similar learning. 

We will then be re-enacting the Viking invasion on Lindisfarne to then write our own diary entries about this. This will help us in our History learning as we begin to understand the impact of the Viking invasion on Britain, and decide whether Vikings were invaders, raiders or settlers.

We will then be re-enacting the Viking invasion on Lindisfarne to then write our own diary entries about this. This will help us in our History learning as we begin to understand the impact of the Viking invasion on Britain, and decide whether Vikings were invaders, raiders or settlers.

You should already have your Spelling Shed and TT Rock Stars logins, but please let us know if you are having any problems accessing this at home. Please also make sure you are trying your best to read at home: even if it’s just two pages each night.

Home Learning Expectations

Please take some time to look at the following to see what your child should be doing at home to extend their learning:

Reading their book band book - 3x a week

TT Rock Stars - Soundcheck - Daily, for 10 minutes

Spelling Shed - Daily, for 5 minutes

Thank you!

The Year Five Team

If you need any help, please contact