Year 4

Summer 1 Home Learning

Dear parents/carers,

Welcome to our Year 4 Summer 1 newsletter. 

Our topic this half term is The Legend of the Bradford Boar.

This half term, we are going to be combining history and geography to learn about our wonderful home city of Bradford and how features of the story of The Legend of the Bradford Boar still appear in our city today. As geographers, we will be recapping what a settlement is and using our knowledge of human and physical features to discover whether Bradford has always been a city. As historians, we will be discovering what life was like in Bradford during medieval times.


Our science topic is ‘Electricity’. We will be learning what different components make up an electrical circuit and the difference between an open and closed circuit.

We will then use this knowledge to write a guide on how to create an electrical circuit.


In English, we are going to be writing a guide to electricity for new teachers using lots of the features we have learnt in Year 4. We will also be supporting our writing through our in-depth knowledge gained in our science lessons. Following this, we will also be writing a retell of the story of the Legend of the Bradford Boar. We will also be restarting our oracy sessions to help us retell the story through drama.


Our next topic for maths is decimals. We will be learning what decimals are and how to recognise tenths and hundredths on number lines and place value grids. We will then be building on our decimal knowledge in our next two topics which will be calculating with money and time.

Times Tables are an important part of our learning in Year 4 so we encourage you to go on TT Rockstars as much as you can at home.

Creative Challenge

Have you ever wondered how your home area of Bowling Park would look in medieval times? Would the homes look the same? Would there be roads? Research what homes would have looked like in Medieval times and recreate your own village using paper, card, sticks (or whatever else you can find!).

Make sure you take lots of pictures and these may appear on our social media channels!

Reading Challenge

Read more about settlements, the city of Bradford and our science topic electricity using these links

BBC Bitesize - What Is Electricity? 

BBC Bitesize - Settlements 

Kiddle - City of Bradford

Family Challenge

During medieval times, people loved to play outdoor games.

Below is a link of lots of different games that you could play with your family at home! (Hide and seek, tag, hopscotch and many cards games).

Take lots of pictures of your family playing these games and send them in for our social media channels!

Medieval Games

Home Learning Expectations

Please take some time to look at the following to see what your child should be doing at home to extend their learning:

Reading their book band book - 3x a week

TT Rock Stars - Soundcheck - Daily, for 10 minutes

Spelling Shed - Daily, for 5 minutes

Send Your Photos In

We would love to see photos of your child with their creative and family challenges! Please send them to the following email address, along with your child's name and class and whether you give consent for us to share it on school’s social media platforms:

As always, if you have any questions then please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Thank you!

The Year Four team

If you need any help, please contact